GSO Test


That all may have life - life in all its fullness

Easter letter




Dear children and families,

Thank you for all your hard work during these past weeks at home. All your effort has been superb. Well done to you all. We are so very proud of you.

We are now at the end of our Spring term  and it is now time for you  have a break or rest at home. We  will not post any further work so you can now relax with your families over the Easter period.

There are some  Easter ideas if you would like some fun activities to do.

Make sure you take some time each day to relax with your family, perhaps go outside in your garden or play some games inside.

We will see you all back on our Home Learning page  Monday 20th April.


During this Holy Week please look after each other at home and pray for one another.

Happy Easter to you all and hoping that everyone stays safe and well.