GSO Test


That all may have life - life in all its fullness

Letter from Headteacher

Dear Parents,

We are now at the end of the second week of this new way of working.

Throughout the last couple of weeks, I have been greatly encouraged by the goodness of people and their generosity of spirit in these difficult and challenging times.

I am so appreciative of the staff for their care of the children at this time, and for their effort and dedication to support the learning experiences for all the children. As a school community, we have also been fortunate to have the continued guidance and support of our governors and for that I am truly grateful.

I am very thankful for our families and carers who support the children and staff in all they do. Your heartfelt messages of support have been greatly appreciated over the last few weeks.

The school does not feel the same without the children but please continue to do your best in all you do children and remember that we are still together as a school family. Work hard and look after each other and all those in your family at home.

Finally, as we approach Holy Week and then celebrate Easter, we will continue to look after and care for each other in unity and with the hope of good things to come.

Thinking of you all,

Ms Rooney